
Why a free online virtual pet... (part 2)

As promised on my first post, I'll explain now why I prefer a free online virtual pet rather than "something else"...

First, maybe we should review what the "something else" might be...
So, the contrary of "online" is "offline" and what kind of virtual pet could I get offline?

Tamagotchi?!? I hope you're kidding! Did you ever find a tamagotchi that shows something that really looks like a pet? To me tamagotchi's are just a bunch of blinking black squares beeping once in a while when they feel too lonely holding on their key ring chain... Those kind of things are not "virtual pets", they're "real boredome gadgets"!

Then there are also "virtual pets" on Nintendo DS... The whole series of Nintendogs games and those ending with a Z: Dogz, Catz, Horsez and even Hamsterz... I can't deny those pets are really good looking... compared to tamagotchi's design, it's like to compare a DaVinci's with a 5 year old child's painting! But though, I do have a Nintendo DS (especially to play Sudoku's and others brain training games and puzzles), I don't feel like using it to raise a virtual pet... Come on, I'm over 30 now... how would I look playing with it?!? But, if I hide behind a computer screen no one will ever suspect that by clicking my mouse, I'm actually launching the ball again and again to my online virtual pet, that will quickly become my new best friend! Moreover, Nintendo is not yet offering those games for free...

So those were the reasons I'd go for a "online" virtual pet... and that leads me now to the last point... but... do I really need to explain why I'd prefer to raise a free online virtual pet rather than to pay for it?!? I don't think so... If you really need more explanations, feel free to let me your question in the comments section!


Anonymous said...

i wan tot get a virtual pet online so i come on and find a load of writing put some picture up and more interesting stuff
go on give it a go !!!

A.Bricteux said...

well... thanks for the comment, but please let me jsut some time to feed this blog that I created only a few hours ago... Sure pictures will come in soon, as well as some reviews about different free online virtual pet programs available.

Don' hesitate to bookmark my blog for further references! Thanks! ;-)