
Different kinds of online virtual pets

Ok, just a quick post to confim I'm still alive... and this time to give you a short information about the different kind of free online virtual pets that are available.

With what I've learned so far, I'd say there's at least 3 big different kinds of free online virtual pets. By different kinds I'm not talking about virtual Cats compare to virtual Dogs or virtual Horses compare to virtual Camels... I'm talking about what you can do or even what you have to do with you virtual pet.

The most basic virtual pets ask you very few attention, and they don't request anything important from you. A perfect example of this kind of virtual pet is Bloggy, my virtual blue dog. Bloggy is always happy, even when I stay several days without visiting him or even if I don't feed him... Bloggy is there just for fun! No more, no less... It's very easy, but it's also very limited... there's not much to do with him...

At the next level of difficulty, you have "simulation games" where you have to do everything like in the real life... meaning you have to feed your pets every day, otherwise they're dying... you have to train them, you have to go to the vet. With some vitrual pets games you can train them to run then you do races to earn money... and you'll need a lot of money to care for your horses! So, those ones are quite demanding... and you'd better be ready to spend some time every day, if you plan to succeed with those.

Then the "last" level is complete virtual worlds like for instance Neopets. With those kind of virtual pets, the pet has not much to do anymore with real pets... Actually, you can explore a wide virtual world where you can buy stuff for you pet... There's lot of things you can do with your pet but you can also meet and chat with other pets owners... You can earn virtual money to customize your pets, etc... So, it's maybe not as difficult as "simulation games" from previous level, because it's mainly for fun, but it's for sure as much time consuming... or even worst!

So, now you have a bit more information about the different kinds of virtual pets. Depending on what you're looking for and the time you're ready to spend to learn and/or to explore new things or worlds you'll know which one to choose...

I'll probably talk back about this and give you some examples for each categories of free virtual pets, but I told you this post would be quick... so... :-)

P.S.: If one of you has a Coolcamel and want it to get married... maybe we could find an appointement! :-))


Yes, I'm still alive and so are my virtual pets!

Hi! Sorry for the lack of news recently, but I have of course a lot of (good?) excuses...

One of them is about Google... When I created this blog I was very happy to see that Google liked it and thanks to that I've quickly had several readers every day... so, I know YOU or at least someone was finding my blog about free online virtual pet on Google and come to see what I had to say about it... But "suddenly", Google "deleted" my blog from their results... so, as no knew about my blog and as no one had a chance to find me through Goole searches... I've lost my motivation to go further talking about all the virtual pets... BUT today I've discovered that Google liked me again and that people were back to read my blog... So, welcome to all of you and I'll do my best to bring you maximum info about free online virtual pets... and I can tell you there are lots of things to say and to do with those!!!

Now, another change has occured since I've created this blog... I used to stay at home the whole day, but now I'm working offline again the whole day, which lets me much less time to work on this blog... With the few time left every day, I need to care about my virtual pets to feed them and learn all kind of new stuff about how to deal with virtual camels or other animals...

So, I'm motivated again to bring new stuff on this blog, but thanks to be patient to let me add some valuable info about the best (or even the worst) free online virtual pets available.

See you... soon, I hope! ;-)

P.S.: I've successfully passed the examination and my CoolCamel is now an adult one! :-)


My free online virtual camel is dying!!!

Ok, I know I was supposed to talk to you about the different kinds of free online virtual pets you can find on the web, but when opening my mailbox this morning I saw a "terrible" message sent by my virtual camel: Sk1ppy Camy!

Here's what my virtual pet wrote to me:
I'm Sk1ppy Camy , remember me? 5 days ago you created me on CoolCamels, and now you don't even look at me. I'm really sad, if you don't visit me soon, I think I'll go to CamelHeaven soon...
So, what else could I do than run to its website and feed him a bit ?!?

Actually, my virtual camel is still very young, so this morning I decided to read the "tutorial" because it's the way my camel can possibly grow to an adult camel... Too bad for me, I failed at the exam at the end of the tutorial with 1 error... So I'll have to try again tomorrow...

As you can see on the chart below my camel is actually eating hamburgers, drinking water and being a... doctor! As you can see by its looks and what it's doing... you'll understand clearly that CoolCamels is a virtual pet site to have fun, fun and also a bit of fun! This will surely go in the "humor" category on my "free online virtual pet categories list"...

There are numerous "tricks" that you can teach to your virtual pet, from the classic "playing with a ball" to the more original "Playing Golf" or "Racing a Formula One"!!!

CoolCamels is also a "community" site as there are almost 5,000 camels registered already... So, definetly a good place to find some people with great sense of humor and ready to play and chat with you and your new free online virtual pet... er... camel!